Basuki Dasgupta’s oeuvre is rich and varied, from his free-associative, non-representational works, to paintings featuring his much loved, slant-eyed, puppet-like men and women. He casts a wide inspirational net, drawing from Bengali tribal lore and folk traditions, the symbolism of goddess Durga, the principle of Shakti and Baul music. Basuki Dasgupta grew up in Bishnupur, a small town in West Bengal, known for its 18th century terracotta temples. The earthy feel, textures and patterns found in these temples are mirrored in his rough-hewn and highly textured murals-on-canvas. The Bengali artist, who now lives and works in Tumkur, transforms the traditional decorative motifs of Indian temple architecture into dynamic and abstract shapes and forms. A master of the genre of contemporary folk art, Basuki Dasgupta’s figurative and non-figurative works, steeped in saturated colours, symbolism and mythology, make poignant statements about the divide between rustic and modern, and the divine and human.
Under the tutelage of K.G.Subramanyan, he completed his Masters in Murals, in 1994 and had continued to pursue his passion. Basukinath has rendered murals in the Jaipuri, Italian, Pompei fresco, egg, and Casein tempera, cement and sand casting, metal and mixed media, among others. He has been associated with Birla Academy, Swar Sangam, Kolkata- where he taught Art History and painting and TVS School, Tumkur, teaching art to children.
Basukinath has been a part of art shows regularly and continues showcasing his work independently. He currently resides in Karnataka and is a celebrated Indian artist.

About Gnani Arts
Founded in early 2003, The Gallery of Gnani Arts has been a local and regional trend-setter within its area of research, curation and collection expertise – South Indian contemporary art by masters and international artists. Apart from curating and marketing its primary collection of art by masters and senior artists, the Gallery continues to launch the careers of a selective number of artists from Singapore (where it is based) and from other parts of the globe. Clients of The Gallery of Gnani Arts include the Singapore Art Museum of the National Heritage Board (Singapore) and numerous corporations and individuals in Europe and Southeast Asia.
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